17 March 2025 at 12:04:17 pm UTC Transaction Pool Autorefresh is OFF Connect via Lokinet Go to stagenet explorer Go to devnet explorer (via Lokinet) Go to mainnet explorer (via Lokinet)

737946 133179470 v21 in 36 seconds 20000 SENT 0.005 OXEN/output + 0.000122 OXEN/kB 0.015 OXEN/output + 0.000366 OXEN/kB 300kB/600kB 1.23GB

: 35150656.422916234 OXEN 35150763.099230587 OXEN 15.971815123 OXEN 106.676314357 OXEN 1086686.733428896 SENT

* — The circulating supply may exclude any currently publicised locked OXEN; otherwise it is equal to the coinbase minus the number of burned coins. Fees include paid transaction fees minus any portion that was burned.

🏁 Session Node Registration ⚑ Contribution 👍 Recommission 👎 Decommission 🚫 Deregistration 📋 IP Change Penalty 🔓 Stake Unlock 🎫 Oxen Name System Purchase 💾 ONS Update

Transaction Pool

0 transactions, 0B

Age [h:m:s] Type Transaction Hash Fee/Per kB In/Out TX Size

Transactions in Blocks 596492–596511 🔗

(Min. / Median / Average / Max. weights of these blocks: 113B / 113B / 162B / 852B)

Current Page: 7072/36897
Showing blocks/page
Height Age [h:m:s] Size Type Transaction Hash Fee Rewards In/Out TX Size
596511 190d 3:27:37 795 06ba2214c08e1c05f96635f72a76820c8bbe4d597002afd1825f7a0154b6a808 0.00 0/0 113
596510 190d 3:29:08 795 caf5f500eb7c697bba0ef98469d03878ddfd8f5baa2507dfc798e138accbc87f 0.00 0/0 113
596509 190d 3:30:39 795 739155a736a00b3a5e521e18fe652b441cca9de5b968daca698d0462aabf7af0 0.00 0/0 113
596508 190d 3:32:10 795 d1659a77beb4bb2aaf94389fbc00a3cbdbf596d420b4db7647195582dfb49ca0 0.00 0/0 113
596507 190d 3:33:41 795 c7150805f95899891b55ff049575358fdd3453fe37143c37aafc29e5f2b85f92 0.00 0/0 113
596506 190d 3:35:12 795 0c026fd775ed83b0eedc842b05113236db400cdf05a7de9af11899a1bc2fa3ed 0.00 0/0 113
596505 190d 3:36:43 795 bfa8800faa8e1c8187cdb88934f732c670113d2bc267b745d13aecd42317a898 0.00 0/0 113
596504 190d 3:38:14 795 393138a3a9a201072ef3658bdab502ec80f1a2abac3aa563178c074e291ac083 0.00 0/0 113
596503 190d 3:39:45 795 ba7e68396da2d7d663dd8b134a625953496d6ef513807b8f80a555881cdbe641 0.00 0/0 113
596502 190d 3:41:16 795 64212f63781643d2d5727b4f858103b5cb751f03ead5b481288c6fdce818d972 0.00 0/0 113
596501 190d 3:42:47 795 5d54c074219be681109457ce438faa745bc7f161a9570f53d7461604eef01c1d 0.00 0/0 113
596500 190d 3:44:18 795 9616d4e775f088e8f8fcdf31dde8951c463c1d9043fc376e626e4fc35995c972 0.00 0/0 113
596499 190d 3:45:49 795 2a2a97171c888f38ebe4594014f3729f4b1440896d17606739ceb49c98c5ea0e 0.00 0/0 113
596498 190d 3:47:20 1.04k 2cab0df363d2db008246f429040920b24181d284ce775fb26504a775b876745e 99.92 0/3 238
596497 190d 3:48:51 795 2fb845bc3ddbba9e75d7b429a618b0843319d54d7d88006a44f50e7f1e7c6ad9 0.00 0/0 113
596496 190d 3:50:22 1.04k a817b3e0cb6feb8d887c802752c7540863be66c18bd5a9cbfb32c5686075ad4e 40.79 0/3 236
596495 190d 3:51:53 795 c668816433eeb8ca56332e0a22553e5d0b8779d19cc8758c2f2d69d69a59f432 0.00 0/0 113
596494 190d 3:53:24 795 5d3e430f923ed2daf6968f2bb54dfdc8c3de48da5a472b61391182d2bf507bf2 0.00 0/0 113
596493 190d 3:54:55 2.27k 98e7fe26bc1fd22ca29966e69885c620c6c0218b755f5efe66ed403b302d3161 225.95 0/18 852
596492 190d 3:56:26 795 76322139f0063e41af2dd459ac729a7a61c2eb8199e6e36ed72e5ccf2804566b 0.00 0/0 113
Current Page: 7072/36897
Showing blocks/page

Session Nodes

0 session nodes awaiting contributions, 0 decommissioned session nodes, and 25 active session nodes.

Session Nodes Awaiting Contributions (0)

Public Key Contributors Operator Fee (%) Contributed Open For Contribution Min. Contribution Expiry Date UTC (Estimated)

Inactive/Decommissioned Session Nodes (0)

(These session nodes are currently decommissioned for failing network obligations, are not earning rewards, and face deregistration soon)

Public Key Contributors Operator Fee (%) Decommission Height Last Uptime Proof Blocks until Dereg.

Active Session Nodes (25)

Current storage swarm count: 3

Public Key Contri­butors Operator Fee (%) Staking Requirement Last Reward Height Last Uptime Proof Expiry Date UTC (Estimated)
decaf09c9bdf36b8ab1311fd08d1f72b9a08531fd2fd1dbc392e0d3a39616c14 1/10 20000.000000000 737921 0:03:34 Staking Infinitely
decaf25a46953120e2d3ee650c2111fa4d04a7a381f1b6c60e0a80f3a76c2e88 1/10 20000.000000000 737922 0:03:11 Staking Infinitely
decaf10b793034846d75e7c47c0779be782dda63cc9090701b2b5bc423461319 1/10 20000.000000000 737923 0:08:49 Staking Infinitely
decaf131572d20fe7b0cb07a8a4e56611818d22235bcf0c00dc1d0443dfdd8b2 1/10 20000.000000000 737924 0:03:33 Staking Infinitely
decaf035871aa9d8e7da429f39711c349f380840ac4a305530b5a19c18793681 1/10 20000.000000000 737925 0:05:07 Staking Infinitely
decaf19ed14923f378960962fea11606bad4ebbb93d26e5444cabe52bf9aaa01 3/10 0 20000.000000000 737926 0:04:21 Staking Infinitely
decaf12347f661a26a1c144227c83874da532cdc1d356c5b77089f686b1f1ca0 1/10 20000.000000000 737927 0:03:35 Staking Infinitely
decaf20025ca6389d8225bda6a32d7fc4ee5176d21e3b2e9e08c3505a48a811a 1/10 20000.000000000 737928 0:05:47 Staking Infinitely
decaf007f26d3d6f9b845ad031ffdf6d04638c25bb10b8fffbbe99135303c4b9 1/10 20000.000000000 737929 0:02:54 Staking Infinitely
decaf21071f98ca263e085767305166e259ada567388050ee9c2cca791df9463 1/10 20000.000000000 737930 0:05:46 Staking Infinitely
+ 15 more ↪

Click here to see the full session node list (at most 10 are shown here)

Last 3 checkpoints

Height Block hash Checkpoint Quorum
737944 8ac8aa06b053144fde90c042f2b542dc2fa9b6ca031a1fbce0edcb11a1ab55e2 20/20 signatures:
737940 11df128a9b2de16eaf5123efe3662a15fc9aca0eac6e2f54c23b89d3d60c29ae 20/20 signatures:
737936 a0691df2dae86fae2b37ff0e6a224d76293995574bdfa002af326b7909826e08 20/20 signatures:

View recent stored testing/checkpoint/blink/pulse quorums