26 March 2025 at 2:43:29 am UTC Transaction Pool Autorefresh is OFF Connect via Lokinet Go to stagenet explorer Go to devnet explorer (via Lokinet) Go to mainnet explorer (via Lokinet)

744146 135932242 v21 in 84 seconds 20000 SENT 0.005 OXEN/output + 0.000122 OXEN/kB 0.015 OXEN/output + 0.000366 OXEN/kB 300kB/600kB 1.23GB

: 35150656.422916234 OXEN 35150763.099230587 OXEN 15.971815123 OXEN 106.676314357 OXEN 1224958.619917218 SENT

* — The circulating supply may exclude any currently publicised locked OXEN; otherwise it is equal to the coinbase minus the number of burned coins. Fees include paid transaction fees minus any portion that was burned.

🏁 Session Node Registration ⚑ Contribution 👍 Recommission 👎 Decommission 🚫 Deregistration 📋 IP Change Penalty 🔓 Stake Unlock 🎫 Oxen Name System Purchase 💾 ONS Update

Transaction Pool

0 transactions, 0B

Age [h:m:s] Type Transaction Hash Fee/Per kB In/Out TX Size

Transactions in Blocks 2027–2046 🔗

(Min. / Median / Average / Max. weights of these blocks: 111B / 111B / 185B / 1.35kB)

Current Page: 37105/37207
Showing blocks/page
Height Age [h:m:s] Size Type Transaction Hash Fee Rewards In/Out TX Size
2046 1030d 16:38:34 790 6bd6e020f29b70c49fc93242908d1a3bc8a658cfc4e16f9afff69c78791e256d 0.00 0/0 111
2045 1030d 16:40:34 790 628bb641deeff6101b6ec346f699a6c87682b11e25550fbf59f16a1b6aee9ebc 0.00 0/0 111
2044 1030d 16:42:34 790 ac9295f55c8819f292c25ac842d6a91e04190d2a075822030fba5883d99b1da7 0.00 0/0 111
2043 1030d 16:44:34 790 5b8d37922a632c6b70bc696c7b0e7a27cf2dbb3b6e5d120da1e67b1c78bedadd 0.00 0/0 111
2042 1030d 16:46:34 790 64529915d881eeea65f5fd6ed856cc9ecf513bb0ca1a5f016908b1156bf7fbf5 0.00 0/0 111
2041 1030d 16:48:34 790 c92b18fc3f88e0eaf7d788cff51baeec1cf28c3a68d50edd3234822d1ed29150 0.00 0/0 111
2040 1030d 16:50:34 790 2e43da5ba453f7e5534a518d0c8ecfd34aa3263a4024d2c51b7202eec6d719f6 0.00 0/0 111
2039 1030d 16:52:34 790 2a7ca8a43e68151dc63a129492f4dc2694569bff07a0b485e7a21b4ccc525069 0.00 0/0 111
2038 1030d 16:54:34 1.03k 6d34ee848085a48ceab2bba96bd23b66635196bac67fc59489195b82812d41b3 88.72 0/3 232
2037 1030d 16:56:34 790 64ccb4f49b1963611856545e7f1902b5347bbf9bd607d91270005f0eb7ddc05b 0.00 0/0 111
2036 1030d 16:58:34 1.03k 0c2efd38bf2f4fd6af8cac063b2e21a9b9a14403a0ad09d657c2b4182c9da10b 53.31 0/3 231
2035 1030d 17:00:34 790 a281a78ba035b9770b0a61dadaa52038da43edc4e30d9a62443aad85ae5a5b97 0.00 0/0 111
2034 1030d 17:02:34 790 12cf8116f55509a7e8bd17738c8992675841e834fc598fefa0b48394240ed8d3 0.00 0/0 111
2033 1030d 17:04:34 3.27k b22c0dec4ac485401340a6542386ebb92fe5a02babf52c197673f71029bc99f0 224.64 0/31 1.35k
2032 1030d 17:06:34 790 0cca8071d40a2f61987ccdb37f4719e21463a08a93d4acadff2e0b32fbd7a0ac 0.00 0/0 111
2031 1030d 17:08:34 790 9ec22b4c5d8276de9392112d7bc9554dd7e7e944b1e48d395e97a1f3c32a385b 0.00 0/0 111
2030 1030d 17:10:34 790 896eec10bed1a2a876d7ae7f6d8a5df88d29f0d016415e40cdf8d6b7bb302fae 0.00 0/0 111
2029 1030d 17:12:34 790 842009d9aa370611a0db5147e3af785368eb790293c5b6322468659fc94963ff 0.00 0/0 111
2028 1030d 17:14:34 790 64be7e3b45b014d745ac3aed8ed43971cb8234ad49997b7be037673994c523bb 0.00 0/0 111
2027 1030d 17:16:34 790 237971b5e5c4a1df433ededbb109b8b92350d08b40029487ae2e56ff58048e97 0.00 0/0 111
Current Page: 37105/37207
Showing blocks/page

Session Nodes

0 session nodes awaiting contributions, 0 decommissioned session nodes, and 25 active session nodes.

Session Nodes Awaiting Contributions (0)

Public Key Contributors Operator Fee (%) Contributed Open For Contribution Min. Contribution Expiry Date UTC (Estimated)

Inactive/Decommissioned Session Nodes (0)

(These session nodes are currently decommissioned for failing network obligations, are not earning rewards, and face deregistration soon)

Public Key Contributors Operator Fee (%) Decommission Height Last Uptime Proof Blocks until Dereg.

Active Session Nodes (25)

Current storage swarm count: 3

Public Key Contri­butors Operator Fee (%) Staking Requirement Last Reward Height Last Uptime Proof Expiry Date UTC (Estimated)
decaf09c9bdf36b8ab1311fd08d1f72b9a08531fd2fd1dbc392e0d3a39616c14 1/10 20000.000000000 744121 0:01:52 Staking Infinitely
decaf25a46953120e2d3ee650c2111fa4d04a7a381f1b6c60e0a80f3a76c2e88 1/10 20000.000000000 744122 0:01:29 Staking Infinitely
decaf10b793034846d75e7c47c0779be782dda63cc9090701b2b5bc423461319 1/10 20000.000000000 744123 0:06:59 Staking Infinitely
decaf131572d20fe7b0cb07a8a4e56611818d22235bcf0c00dc1d0443dfdd8b2 1/10 20000.000000000 744124 0:01:53 Staking Infinitely
decaf035871aa9d8e7da429f39711c349f380840ac4a305530b5a19c18793681 1/10 20000.000000000 744125 0:03:39 Staking Infinitely
decaf19ed14923f378960962fea11606bad4ebbb93d26e5444cabe52bf9aaa01 3/10 0 20000.000000000 744126 0:02:50 Staking Infinitely
decaf12347f661a26a1c144227c83874da532cdc1d356c5b77089f686b1f1ca0 1/10 20000.000000000 744127 0:01:55 Staking Infinitely
decaf20025ca6389d8225bda6a32d7fc4ee5176d21e3b2e9e08c3505a48a811a 1/10 20000.000000000 744128 0:04:16 Staking Infinitely
decaf007f26d3d6f9b845ad031ffdf6d04638c25bb10b8fffbbe99135303c4b9 1/10 20000.000000000 744129 0:01:14 Staking Infinitely
decaf21071f98ca263e085767305166e259ada567388050ee9c2cca791df9463 1/10 20000.000000000 744130 0:04:15 Staking Infinitely
+ 15 more ↪

Click here to see the full session node list (at most 10 are shown here)

Last 3 checkpoints

Height Block hash Checkpoint Quorum
744144 d12c2d63a1cb60c89d050c25a131943bcecdaffbdd413152e18d36317ebaa09a 20/20 signatures:
744140 0c427a762f3a698619b511afcd51a52f716d245decb6ff42c1275544f0fb95f2 20/20 signatures:
744136 983f003a964a541fc421f9053ef1fcca6d4c2d921181d817089313550842d284 20/20 signatures:

View recent stored testing/checkpoint/blink/pulse quorums